Catholic Taking Action
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15 'We want firstly to protect, to the best of our ability, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and secondly help, out of Charity, those souls who are in need of our help. We are but a sinners, but we all are striving for holiness.'
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Mardi Gras Mass ... Archdiocesan Website
The gay Mass was advertised on the Archdiocesan website about 4 years ago but was removed after complaints.
Please pray for an end to this Mass, the conversion of all involved and the spreading of the Courage Apostolate for the Sacramental and pastoral needs of people suffering from same sex attraction.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Kristina Keneally launches Acceptance 40th celebrations
Here is a link to the text of her speech:
Who knows where KK got her understanding of Ecclesiology from but one thing is for certain, it is not the same understanding of the Church as we have been handed down through tradition from Christ and the Apostles.
For a quick look at KK's misguided understanding of what the Church is just read her concluding paragraph:
'And when they ask: why not convert, I say why? Why give up the sacraments, liturgy, ritual and faith that the Church gives to me? If Kung is right, indeed, if Vatican II is right, then we are all the church. The history of Acceptance, and Robinson's statement, makes clear that the church does change, the attitudes, teachings and understanding can change, the Holy Spirit moves within the church by stirring the hearts of believers'.
'Acceptance turns 40' exhibition...
Here is the front door sign at the Surry Hills Library advertising the 'Acceptance turns 40' exhibition. |
2008 Sydney Mardi Gras Parade, a mock pope on the Acceptance float. |
'renaming World Youth Day as World Gay Day'... |
Protestors: 'A group associated with a Maronite parish in Sydney'. |
'Acceptance has had a float in the Mardi Gras for over 25 years' |
City of Sydney endorses Acceptance saying: 'Acceptance is a fascinating part of the City of Sydney's gay history and the exhibition is a highlight of Pride Week 2012' |
'Gay God's Gift' |
'Sadly, some people cannot accept that being gay and Catholic is possible'. |
Two dissident groups in union with each other. |
'then homosexuality must also be a gift from God'
After last Sunday’s homily there has been some interest in the thoughts I expressed. Far from judging and vilifying lesbians and gays, as we heard from Michael Voris in his video about the Newtown parish Friday night Mass, I suggested that hearing the stories of lesbian and gay Catholics and how that had influenced my reading in order to better pastorally care for all Catholics might offer a new way of seeing lesbian and gay Catholics as gift rather than“the other” for whom we might feel sorry.
What I learned from hearing these stories was that lesbian and gay Catholics are like all people trying to live their faith – they are searching for meaning and joy and authenticity in and through the Catholic community and the spiritual wisdom of the bible and church tradition. Catholics expect to find guidance and encouragement, as well as challenge, but lesbian and gay Catholics find all too often that they are asked to deny their sexuality or, at best, to be invisible.
![]() |
Fr Peter Maher, Parish Priest,Newtown |
Where traditional sexual ethics has dominated church teaching about
heterosexual relationships and marriage; homosexuals have had to find the meaning for themselves of their God-given attraction and have made some astoundingly good gospel-based spiritual discoveries. While heterosexual relationships are struggling in the current climate of distrust of church teaching; homosexual relationships, lived according to gospel principles of love, seem to be finding a beautiful expression.
But what of the scripture passages that seem so damning of homosexuality? Through scripture scholarship which emphasizes the meaning of the text in context, it seems that all the texts referring to homosexuality, and there are not many –indeed, none in the gospel, all refer to abusive sexual relationships. In times when people did not identify as gay, as they do today, it is reasonable to infer that the texts referring to homosexuality refer to people being used and abused. Scriptural texts do encourage intimate and caring relationships and these can often be found among lesbian and gay couples.
I don’t pretend we have found a path forward yet but there are many within the church exploring these ideas. What we try to do here at St Joseph’s Newtown is to support, and walk with, lesbian and gay Catholics as they try to faithfully live their faith authentically.
There are too many points in the above text to go through them all but to point out a couple that are undeniably wrong and erroneous:
'Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2357).
- Leviticus 18:22
- 1 Timothy 1:8-11
For a clear Biblical reference to sodomy, and exactly what is meant by it, look no futher than Leviticus 18:22 'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination'.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Rodney Pople 'art' Reparation Vigil
The exhibition, “Bellini 21c”, by artist Rodney Pople features 20 works that mesh Renaissance religious paintings with unusual and sometimes pornographic images. Eight works are of a sexual nature and one includes an image of a porn star engaged in a sexual act superimposed on an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Pople said he was not attacking the Christian Faith but “looking at the cracks within the Catholic Church. All I’m saying is that if you look at the layers, or strip back the curtain from the altarpiece, you’ll see a lot of hypocrisy,” Pople said. “That can stand for other elements of our social structure, not necessarily the Church.”

Friday, April 15, 2011
Mass before Mardi Gras

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
'Trivia Night and Dinner Dance', in a Catholic Crypt
From the Acceptance website itself we see that the proceeds of this 'Trivia night and Dinner Dance' will go towards 'Acceptance's Mardi Gras efforts', which includes the Acceptance float. Lets hope they dont have a mock Pope on their float this year!
It might be a good thing to here point out that the Crypt of the Church is a Consecrated place, is part of the 'Domus Dei', the House of God. To be holding a Trivia night and a Dinner Dance in such a place is a profane act, to use something sacred in a way it is not to be used.
Please pray for God's forgiveness and mercy upon these poor souls who see this as an appropriate place to hold such a disgraceful event.
Take a look at the following link for more: