From the Acceptance website itself we see that the proceeds of this 'Trivia night and Dinner Dance' will go towards 'Acceptance's Mardi Gras efforts', which includes the Acceptance float. Lets hope they dont have a mock Pope on their float this year!
It might be a good thing to here point out that the Crypt of the Church is a Consecrated place, is part of the 'Domus Dei', the House of God. To be holding a Trivia night and a Dinner Dance in such a place is a profane act, to use something sacred in a way it is not to be used.
Please pray for God's forgiveness and mercy upon these poor souls who see this as an appropriate place to hold such a disgraceful event.
Take a look at the following link for more:
'Terribilis est locus iste'
I have just come across your blog and wanted to thank you for your courage in speaking the truth. Cardinals and bishops might be deceived by evil men, but many of us ordinary Catholics aren't. We know the kinds of things that go on in these "gay friendly" Masses, etc! They are not sensitive to the true needs of homosexuals, but to the anti-life agenda of the pro-gay movement!
ReplyDeleteThe Acceptance group is obviously promoting the gay lifestyle, and telling its members that being in homosexual sexual partnerships is ok. I have just read Fr Peter Maher's blog, in which homosexual members of his congregation have written posts that openly mention their same-sex partners, and challenge Church teaching on human sexuality. He himself seems to be in open rebellion against God's commandments concerning sodomy and the like.
Ironically the member of Acceptance Sydney who wrote on Fr Maher's blog - I assume he was a member of the group - seemed to blame "fundamentalists" (ie the majority of Catholics around the world, including the Pope) of being obsessed with the notion that gay men must be having canonically illegal sex. Whereas, in fact, he himself then goes on to speak about how wonderful same-sex sex is! I personally believe, though, that there are many, many homosexually inclined men and women out there who remain faithful to the Gospel, and carry the burden of their Cross by being chaste. But, groups like Acceptance or the Soho Masses here in the UK - unlike Courage - promote the "gay" identity, engage in "pro-gay" and anti-life politics, dissent from Church teaching on matters pertaining to human sexuality, and therefore endanger the souls of young confused Catholics who are consequently led to believe that same-sex sex is not sinful, and that it is ok to receive communion whilst co-habiting with one's same-sex partner!
Surely, Cardinal Pell - who's no fool - realises this, and realises the dangers of groups such as Acceptance? If not, then all he needs to do is read their "mission statement" or Fr Maher's "right-on" (but very left-leaning) blog!
One wonders whether our bishops trust their priests too much (apparently Cardinal Pell believes Maher's assurances regarding Acceptance). Maybe they are just easily duped by these pro-gay groups? Do our pastors really care for the souls of men and women tempted into a sin which is serious enough to condemn a person to perdition? There is a big room in Hell for wolves dressed in shepherd's clothing, for bishops who deceived their flock. Unless a bishop is conformed totally to the mind of Christ he should be very, very careful as to the types of groups he allows to operate within his diocese!
Keep up the good work! With prayers and best wishes... and in the confidence that Our Lady is looking after you!