Wednesday, February 9, 2011

'Mass Before Mardi Gras'. It continues...

The 'Gay Mass' continues. But this March 4th is the annual (39yrs running, since 1972) 'Mass before Mardi Gras'. Does it get anymore blatant? Can it be anymore contradictory to the teachings of Holy Mother Church? We must pray for an end to this Mass, for the salvation of the Priests and lay that attend it and for the Bishops (Most importantly Cardinal Pell), that they may do what their office binds them to do; to teach, govern and sanctify.

Take a look at the following two sites:

1) This is the offical Mardi Gras website advertising the Newtown 'Gay Mass'

2) This is the Acceptance website, events page

If you havent already done so I implore you to write to the Cardinal asking him to stop this Mass and remove the active homosexual Priests from their priestly ministry.

'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life'. (Jn 14:6). Let the Truth prevail in all things and be heard from upon the rooftops, for we are all called to be bearers of the Truth.

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